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Air hockey robot is awesome terrifying

Home Forums Buurtforum Air hockey robot is awesome terrifying

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  seestyle 2 years, 6 months ago.

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    As the old saying goes, nothing goes together like air hockey and 3-D printers. Jose Julio knows this, so he used the printer parts to build an Kolton Miller Jersey air-hockey playing robot.Here it is in action: on his blog, using terms that in no way Charles Woodson Jersey are too complicated for idiots who write about sports to understand. An excerpt:What remained was the implementation (in the Arduino) of the trajectory prediction system and the strategy of the robot. Once NFL Las Vegas Raiders Jersey we have detected the puck in two consecutive frames we can calculate the trajectory (equation of the line through two points, this is college math!). The trajectory prediction takes into acount that the puck could bounce in a side wall. All Sam Young Jersey these calculations are accesible to the strategy subsystem that decides what the Las Vegas Raiders T Shirts robot will do: defense, defense+attack of prepare a new attack.Sounds great! Now make one that likes skeeball. (Every day brings us closer to a robot uprising.)

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